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лама, который не тлеет

As befits incorruptible Lama bicentennial man sitting in the lotus position. Apparently, the man had once belonged to the Buddhist monks. As already mentioned, the old monk is quite well preserved, his legs look like living, though he is about 200 years old. According to Mongolian media, incorruptible monk will give for further research in the Center examination of Ulan Bator.
Traced a definite connection Mongolian lama with our domestic incorruptible Lama.”
лама, который не тлеет
The head of Russian Buddhists Hambo Lama Itigelov in 1917 voluntarily ceased operations at the head of Russian Buddhists, then about 10years strengthened spiritually and otherwise improved. Once Lama decided:

лама, который не тлеет

June 15, 1927, he called his followers adopted the lotus position and demanded that he read a prayer Buddhists, which is usually read deceased monks. His disciples thought it was strange desire, they rebelled, the fact that such a prayer is required to read a living person. Lama Itigelov independently began to read the prayer “good wishes to the outgoing“, after that, he stopped breathing.
Lama was buried in a box knocked out of cedar wood, in the same lotus position and buried him. But the most interesting, just before his death Lama told his disciples: “Come to me, after 30 years, and look at me. And when will the 75 years, I’ll come back to this world. “

After 30years as a lama and told his dug. The monks saw that the Lama is perfectly preserved. Buried it again. In 2002, again learned Lama Itigelov changes in his physical shell was found. This time he did not dig, and placed under a glass dome. And Lama sits under the hood today – neither alive nor dead. The monks believe that the lama returned, as promised.
лама, который не тлеет
Now Itigelov Lama is in Ivolginsky monastery, where he continued to sit in the lotus position and completely degradable.
This fact, which scientists call the phenomenon, it is not mummification. Scientists do not know what is happening with the lama, he was subjected to examination, but all to no avail. For the past 88 years Lama is in an unknown state of science, which can be characterized as the existence between life and death. Put forward versions of some scholars that strange state Lama due to the abundance in the area of strontium and bromine, but definitely say anything no one can ..
лама, который не тлеет






Как гравитация может объяснить, почему время идет только вперед?

We can not stop time. Even in a traffic jam when the time seems freezes and stops. Saving light in the daytime too fails, the time inevitably tends to come. Why not back? Why do we remember the past and not the future? Physicists believe that the answer to this deep and complex issue may be hiding in the familiar to us all gravity.

The basic laws of physics did not care what direction future. For example, the rules that govern the planet orbits operate regardless of whether you move forward in time or backward. You can view the motion of the solar system in reverse order and they will look perfectly normal, without violating any of the laws of physics. What distinguishes the future from the past?

“The problem of the arrow of time is always worried about people” – says Flavio Mercati of Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada.

Most people who think about the arrow of time, they say that it is determined by entropy amount of disorder (chaos) in the system, whether it be a bowl of porridge, or the universe. According to the second law of thermodynamics, the total entropy of a closed system always increases. While entropy increases, while moving in the same direction.

When an ice cube in your glass melts and dilutes your whiskey and Coke, for example, entropy increases. When you break an egg, entropy increases. Both examples are irreversible: you can not freeze an ice cube in a glass of warm cola or collect eggs again. The sequence of events – and thus the time is moving in only one direction.

If the arrow of time following the increase in entropy, and if the entropy of the universe always increases, it means that at some point in the past the entropy should be low. And here comes the puzzle: why the entropy of the universe at the beginning was low?

According to Mercati and his colleagues, there was no special initial state at all. Instead, the state, which indicated time to move forward, there was a natural way in the universe dictation gravity. This argument scientists have uncovered in a recent paper in Physical Review Letters.

To test his idea, scientists have modeled the universe as a collection of thousands of particles that interact only through gravity and are galaxies and stars floating in space.

Scientists have found that regardless of the starting positions and velocities at some point particles are inevitably grouped together into a ball, before returning to crumble. This point can be called equivalent Big Bang, when the whole universe is compressed into an infinitely small point.

Instead of using entropy scientists describe a system using values which do are called “entanglement» (complexity), defined as the ratio of the coarse distance between two particles, which are farther apart than the others, and the distance between two neighboring particles . When all the particles clump together into one, the confusion is in the smallest value.

The key idea in all of this, as explained by Mercati, is as follows: the lowest point of confusion arises naturally from the group of gravitationally interacting particles no special conditions are required. Entanglement increases as the particles apart, presenting both the expansion of the universe, and the passage of time ahead.

If this is not enough, the events that took place before the clustered particles that is, before the Big Bang moved in a second direction of time. If you lose the events from that moment ago, the particles gradually scatter from the cluster. Because this reverse confusion increases, the second arrow will point to the same time in the past. Which, on the basis of the second direction of time is actually the “futureof a universe that exists on the other side of the Big Bang. Very confusing, agree.

This idea is similar to the one 10 years ago suggested physics Sean Carroll and Jennifer Chen of the California Institute of Technology. They tied the arrow of time with ideas, describing inflation, a sharp and rapid expansion of the universe, which occurred immediately after the Big Bang.

What’s interesting about this idea is that it is quite logical to contact us Carroll said, describing his work is applicable to the arrow of time. Probably, the reason that we remember yesterday and tomorrow do not remember, is the conditions related to the Big Bang. “

The direction of time with a simple system of classical physics is relatively new, says physicist Steve Carlip the University of California at Davis. New to this to give up in favor of the idea of entropy of entanglement. Entropy problem that it is defined in terms of power and temperature, which are measured by an external mechanism like a thermometer. In the case of the universe there is no external mechanism, so you need a value that does not rely on any of the units. Confusion, in contrast, is a dimensionless ratio and meets all requirements.

This does not mean that the entropy should be discarded altogether. Our everyday experience like your cool lemonade relies on entropy. But when considering the time on a cosmic scale necessary to operate the term confusion, rather than entropy.

One major limitation of this model is that it is made exclusively on the basis of classical physics, completely ignoring quantum mechanics. It also does not include the general theory of relativity. There are no dark energy, or something else, you need to create an accurate model of the universe. But researchers think about how to incorporate more realistic physics in the model, which subsequently could give you the opportunity to testable predictions.

“For me, the biggest problem is that there are so many different physical arrow of time”, says Carlipa. The forward direction of time is most often manifests itself, it is not connecting gravity. For example, light emitted from the lamps is always and never towards it. Radioactive isotopes decay into lighter atoms, never vice versa. Why, then, the arrow of time, emerged from the gravity pushes the other arrow of time in the same direction?

This is a big question that remains open. I think as long as no one has a good answer to this question. “


Йеллоустонский супервулкан взорвется со дня на день — Апокалипсис приближается

Such catastrophic for mankind conclusion reached by volcanologist Hank Hessler studying Yellowstone volcano since 2002. The scientist believes that the eruption may begin within the next couple of weeks.

The volcano is located in the US, in the territory once 3 states: Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. According to information available to the volcanologist in the past year, seismologists registered about 1,900 earthquakes around the Yellowstone National Park (park), the intensity of shocks and their power is constantly increasing, the approach of the disaster shows and recently recorded the rise of the Earth’s crust in the park. Some tremors were weak (they only fixed devices), but often reach 4 on the Richter scale, which allowed them to feel the visitors Reserve writes portal

Estimated time of the eruption, scientists believe the next 14 days, ie, awakening can start any day. Eruption in the first day destroy all life within a radius of 1,600 km from the epicenter area will be filled with lava and covered with ash. Explosion yellow stone” (exact translation) is fraught with disastrous consequences not only for the US but for the whole of mankind: sulfur dioxide, which is part of the ashes, a few years will close the Sun, comes the “nuclear winter” acid rain will destroy most of the plants on Earth as a result of famine. The temperature drops to 20 degrees – Norway, Finland and northern Russia will be in the Arctic. In addition, the eruption of the Yellow Stone” provoke “awakening from sleepseveral smaller volcanoes on the planet, causing a tsunami washed away most of the coastal countries.

Scientists found traces of geological strata eruptions throughout North America. Yellowstone volcano erupts every 30 thousand years, but the last time he woke up 60 thousand years ago, so it is cause for concern among volcanologists have.

Загадки похлеще египетских пирамид

In the world there are many mysteries which are unique and unexplained its origin can surpass even the famous Egyptian pyramids. Another thing is that the world knows about them much less, if at all does not know, at least, this statement is quite true to the average Russian.

It is true today thanks to the Internet, you can “see” almost (theoretically) in every corner of our planet and see things from that being said, my heart stops or crawl. For example, here are these giant blocks someone did (obviously man-made creation) five thousand years ago. One such unit weighs more than 1,200 tons. This is not a cement not at all clear to us building material. And in our time, a relatively advanced civilization is simply no such technology capable of lifting these blocks. And to make such artificial boulders until we can not.

Strikes and the fact that these units have existed for five thousand years and not be destroyed. What are they made? It’s not even a natural stone, and some man-made building material. That would solve its structure and build of a material modern houses and other structures. Build for the ages! Rather, at the Millennium

And it is not surprising if the desire of mankind to penetrate into the depths of space, when the earth itself has so many mysteries? This is equivalent to, as you are not guessing a crossword puzzle, toss it and start to unravel next. Some children’s attitude to everything. Not by chance one of the great noticed that humanity is still in its infancy

Nikola Tesla was not the first, nor the last remaining … Today’s Timeless” was released for the first time on 30 October 2013.

Who can benefit from the results of research behind the silence? Whose power and wealth is threatened, and the free availability of clean energy? Whose goal is to create a system where the individual has a monopoly on knowledge and power, while the rest remain in the remnant?

Screen Shot 2013 10 30 at 4.29.39 PM 300x162 Ajatu: Kes saab kasu vaba energia olemasolu mahavaikimisest?






 Over the past few years has increasingly been confirmed by the fact that dependence on fossil fuels is no longer the sole option of living on Earth. However, to start wars, destroyed the environment and endangering the Earth in order to be able to continue to use the old and outdated techniques all in the energy industry with a total of billions of vertices. Media Corporations deepen people’s opinion that this is due to the energy crisis and the decline of natural resources, we are nearing the deepening problem. It is interesting that at the fact that the same group of shareholders owning the energy industry also has meediakorporatsioone. It seems that here is yet another act of terror and conflict-generating tactics.How can you be a shortage of natural resources, if there is a power generation systems that operate without any external source of power? These are the tools that could work endlessly to produce energy, and the entire planet using any fossil fuel. So losing a large part of the bill that we have to pay to stay alive, and of course, it would also reduce damage to the environment. Even if the concept of free energy (in other words, the zero point energy), it is hard to believe, is known for numerous other clean energy sources, which is the current system undermines the energy industry obsolete.

These phenomena have been studied and proven in hundreds of laboratories around the world, yet they do not see the light of day. When migrating to new energy technologies around the world, this would result in a huge modification. This would affect all of us, and it is everywhere. These technologies are arguably the most important discoveries in the history of the world, said Dr. Brian O’Leary, a former NASA astronaut and physics professor.

Free energy mechanism.The mechanism of free energy generates energy in an open system, which means that the same physical device takes energy from the surrounding environment. Our educational institutions and mainstream research, however, is to instill in people the idea that such systems can not be created. In order to assure and maintain some belief system, it should be taught. People are starting to slowly realize that not everything is a pretty earth as it seems to us, and this area will also be new beliefs to reach the mass consciousness.

It is quite likely that the free energy devices exist, and like many other discoveries, they are largely hidden from public view behind. Energy will be the so-called spacetime” the total energy around us, we do not see. Such a device does not need to gauge because of its productivity can not be measured, as it can not even put a price tag attached. That is why free energy device is a threat to the energy industry, which controls our world and its people. Energy industry dictates who has access to life, and who is not. And if see where the funding for the energy industry, it is easy to draw connections between energy, pharmaceutical, and food industries, as well as health education skipped.

Responses to the quantum mechanics.Casimir effect is a proven example of one of the free energy. Casimir effect is an example of zero-point energy of a vacuum state, according to which two metal plates are located close to each other causing the mutual effects of the emergence of force. Examples of this can be found in plenty. This physical phenomenon has far-reaching implications, and physical scientists from all over the world has a lot of theoretical articles written. Although at this time there has been seeing the Casimir effect theory is also used in practice, unfortunately, it is still not quite Uses silenced.

Vacuum Occupancy has been generally considered to emptiness, but Hendrik Casimir believed that these sets contain the emptiness fluctuations of electromagnetic waves. He suggested that the two metal plates, which are kept separate from each other in vacuum, they could catch the waves, thereby creating a vacuum energy that is clouded or the impetus metallplaatidelt. Recent studies from Harvard, Vrije, Amsterdam and most other universities have demonstrated the truth of Casimir effect.

The journal Foundations of Physics Letters article was published in August 2001, which showed that general relativity can help explain the electromagnetic generator (motionless Electromagnetic Generator, or MEG) principles. This device uses electromagnetic energy in space and time, and produces a nearly twenty-fold greater amount of energy than it consumes. The fact that such machines are present, is in itself surprising but even greater surprise caused by the fact that they are already not used globally. Would result in a complete loss of the entire energy industry, no one should be able to pay taxes, and poverty is on all. The journal Foundations of Physics Letters article shows that it is possible to produce energy in the vacuum state and the use of devices, such as MEG start. The article goes on to state how the MEGdevices would be able to produce and reproduce.

Warning to mankind!

Today, we are living in the 21st century are following with interest the progress of applied and theoretical physics, fascinated look into images of Mars and colorful panoramas of star clusters, remote lighting for many years, waiting for the interview and the works of famous scientists and feel definitely introduction to the innermost secrets of life. And as always, surprising and discouraging statements are radically reverses and subvert the established provisions and canons of science, but … corresponding to the latest data interplanetary stations.

In the publishing house of Lambert Academic Publishing came scholarly work that its content deserves the title sensational. The book is really the most informative. That there is only its title: Introduction to the Physics of Time. Part 1. Relative time. “Author of the work, Gaynulin Marat, from the Turkmen State University, criticizes the modern scientific approach of studying objects and phenomena of different scale levels of the physical universe from elementary particles to superclusters of galaxies. In this paper Gaynulin openly traced parallels with the work of the famous American theoretical physicist Lee Smolin, who in his work “The Trouble with Physicsfrankly admits that modern physics is in deep crisis. Gaynulin asserts the existence of objective physical time, which again echoes the ideas Lee Smolin reflected in the latest work of the scientist “revival time,” revives the forgotten Newtonian paradigm of time, or rather its division into absolute and relative. We can say that all the work is based on the analysis of the theory of infinite nesting of matter, in particular, on the theorem of SPFsymmetry (author of the theorem a physicist at the Perm State University Sergey Fedosin) through quantum postulates of Bohr. And indeed, the whole essence of the product can be safely reduced to a known hermetic thesis: “as above, and at the bottom.”

The first part is devoted to the review and consideration TBVM it through the first Bohr quantum postulate, which implies that similar planetary and atomic systems is not an accident but a manifestation of the functioning of the fundamental law of conservation of energy at different scale levels of Being.

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In the second part, the author analyzes TBVM after the second Bohr quantum postulate, from which, in fact, takes the definition of the most mysterious category of Being time. According to him, the objective physical time is the speed of the orbital and axial motion of the planet, anyway – the frequency of the periodic rotation of the planet around its axis and around the world in a single cycle. Why rotation of the planet? Because this is the frequency ω, by analogy with the electronic levels, is the speed of the implementation of universal energy E in a matter of a separate planet m (wave-particle duality), as a group of particles of generators. According to the theorem of SPFsymmetry and the virial theorem orbital motion of the planet is similar to the orbital angular momentum of the electron (its atomic wave function), and the frequency of cyclic rotation of the planet ω (axial and orbital) is an expression of the total orbital angular momenta of all the particles of its constituents. This speed or speed ω determines the rate of the full range of derivatives of the physical processes in its spacesphere: from the revolution frequency of the planet, to the frequency of chemical reactions in a biological cell and up to the rotation of the electrons in the atom. So, for the Earth, while numerically matters 365.25. A Mars 668.59. And this, in my opinion, already is the relative inequality and the planets in relation to each other – in terms of the pace of physical processes from the motion of the planet itself, up to the speed of the electrons of their constituents. That is, the flow rate of terrestrial physical processes on Mars will increase by 54.6%. And, in general, for this reason, the space of the cosmos it does not have a universal and common space, and composite and heterogeneous, and therefore the measurement of its light beam wrong method because the speed of light on each planet is individual. Space of the planet (the amount of torsion field), the matter of the planet m and its specific forms is a form of implementation of a universal energy E with its own individual frequency cosmological parameters ω, which is the essence of the time t. That is the concept of space, time, and matter is inextricably linked to the planet’s rotation angular frequency ω. Speaking even easier, every planet its time (the rate of physical processes), space (metric) and matter (the difference in the speeds of electrons in atoms). By this, the author makes it quite seriously the warning about global space agencies fatality send astronauts to Mars, since they will be affected by electromagnetic and gravitational field of another planet with a non-native speed. Put differently, the person may, without prejudice to their health dwell only on planets with a speed of 365.25, that is, in other planetary systems, or only on the Moon.

But that’s not all. If, says Gaynulin, between Mars and Earth have a difference in 303.34, this difference does not allow interplanetary robots carry an adequate assessment of the environment of other planets. Simply put, according to the author, the AMC in the fields of other planets are blind, and all information received distortion of reality, because different wavelengths do not interact with each other.

That is on Mars and Venus has a free water, flora and fauna, which are not able to fix or video equipment or multiple sensors rovers. To adequately describe the real landscape studied planets, the author proposes a design for video equipment devaysa who calls compensator that would balanced the frequency difference between the two rotations of the planets.

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Everything else Gaynulin predicts failure of the mission “Juno» (Juno), which in 2016 is expected to reach Jupiter. The main purpose of the mission – measuring the amount of water in the atmosphere of the giant. The author claims that because of the difference in the period of revolution is distorted signals from the sensors and analyzers. That is full of water on Jupiter, Jupiter but that is not able to fix the earth sensors, since the electrons of the chemical elements in the Jovian water rotate at a frequency different from that of the Earth. Call register (here: Optical) on other planets occurs only with objects in dense, dry, solid state, mostly having a crystal structure of the lattice: soil, rocks, sand, bones, chapped organics (feathers, fur, scales) ice, frost, and metals. Do not lend themselves to visual observation liquid water and its objects have in their composition a fair amount flora and fauna. In addition, the author states that the uninhabited planets does not exist, as it is also contrary to the law of conservation of energy, they say, densely populated space, inhabited even large asteroids.
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But that’s not all. Synthesis of the provisions of the SPFsymmetry, the virial theorem and the principle of determinism, the author comes to the concept of SPFdeterminism natural interrelation and interdependence of causal effects of different scale levels of being. Simply put it is the proverbial principle golografizma nominated David Bohm and even Karl Pribram. However, in principle the concept Gaynulin acquires qualitatively new semantic content: effects atom as part of the whole (splitting) will have the opposite effect, similar to the state of the world and, in particular, at its core, will lead to the excitation of the counter-forces.
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And as the author goes on to argue, as the commissioning of new nuclear power plants and more moschnyhuskoriteley charged particles, the reaction force will only continue to increase, which will lead to further heating of the core, its splitting and destabilization, ie buildup. And his warm-up, splitting and buildup in turn will provoke heating magma warming of the atmosphere and soil, hurricanes, volcanic activity, the splitting of the dipole magnetic field, the change in frequency noise, which in turn will lead to a violation of biorhythms evolutionary inhabitants of the earth. The splitting of the atom also leads to a weakening of the protective properties of the gravitational field of the planet, which does not allow different kinds of space debris rained down on the planet. Sooner or later, says Gaynulin, namely technology of splitting the atom, but not burning hydrocarbon, lead the planet to the Apocalypse. As strange sounds the author’s book, scientists recently and in fact noted Unexplained anomalies in the behavior of the core of the planet affects the state of the magnetic field of the planet, as well as increasing the number of asteroids in dangerous proximity to the Earth.
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But perhaps the most curious is the third part of the book – namely, the author proposed a conceptually new principle of movement in space. According Gaynulin in nature already exist natural conditions for superluminal motion – namely, the planetary frequency, by analogy with the second postulate of Bohr the so-called postulate of quantum transitions. All that is required just create a special technology superluminal motion, which he called “reactive shell.” The principal difference between the author of alternative concepts of superluminal motion – a review of existing scientific systems, without attracting new ones, such as for example an exotic energy. Connection points or stations, the author continues, will serve as the planets themselves, or rather their frequency. The author describes the technology could be safely attributed to another of the many taken from the ceiling, if not a “but.” Sketches his “reactive shellare similar in structure and composition of the mysterious mantle”, fragments of which were discovered in 1986 on Hill 611 in Primorsky Krai near the village Dal’negorsk. And this is a seriously worrying because, at the time, none of the laboratories failed to answer the question of predestination unusual technology. Moreover, the author based on his concept treats the mechanism of anomalous transmutation mesh” that once stumped many researchers.

In his next work Gaynulin promises to shed light on the nature of absolute time.

What remains or heed the warnings of the author, and send to the Red Planet rover improved, which supposedly will allow us to see the blooming apple trees on Mars, or send astronauts and see what happens. In conclusion, we can say that the book Gaynulin remains extremely controversial opinion. However, in this connection come to mind the words of Einstein: “If at first the idea is not absurd, to sense from it will not.”


The reason prompted me to buy the book Gaynulin served as press release publishing company, which reported that he is a former physicist closed USSR Ministry of Defense, who worked in special project “Galaxy”, which ended subscription the results of studies which, as they say sunk into oblivion. Not easily able to pull in publishing his email to communicate. At first, the dialogue will be adjusted. Spoke on the subject of his book and the current situation of big science. But when I tried to find out about his work in the “Galaxy”, he scared (… who told you that, it is nonsense tabloids ) and just stopped responding. I’ll try to talk it can get.

PS: But then the question arises and if all the author is right with respect to the death of the astronauts on the approach to Mars, but they nevertheless clearly sent in the near future, who will bear the responsibility in this case? After all, more or less reasoned warning came

Space, the final frontier. The seemingly endless space, tayaschee an infinite number of things before the most unknown and dangers that can not imagine not to mention the fact to understand, even ingenious mind of man. Looking at the stars in the night sky, it’s hard not to wonder about what is out there on the other side of our earthly existence?

Good or bad, but there are people who begin to “meditate very loudabout what could be “out there” and at the same time thanks to the colorful but fictional detail trying to give their hypotheses life. And sometimes these unfounded ideas, like a virus, spread among the society and more scary, try to push real science and true knowledge to replace the crazy theories, which in turn can be a very great danger.

Not all of these crazy theories are born equal. Most of them really sound delusional. But it also happens that due to its complexity (more confusion) and saturation on parts such theories may sound very believable. It is about these crazy theories, whose life was given only a few believers in the truth of their people, and then distribute them to the masses, today we’ll talk.

Venus was a comet

Imagine that our solar system is a pool table, and the planet billiard balls. They face and broken into each other, creating in its wake new space objects. Around about the same wrote scientist and psychiatrist Immanuel Velikovsky in his 1950 best-selling book Worlds in Collision”.

On the pages of his book, the author says that about 3500 years ago, the vast cosmic body hit Jupiter. As a result of this collision, broke away from the planet piece that became wandering comet through the solar system and at some point, even the Bible was the cause of many accidents, yet in the end is not formed in the planet Venus.

Physics and astronomy almost unanimously rejected the theory Velikovsky. Largely because it violates all conceivable laws of physics. For example, this idea was a direct contradiction with the law of motion Newton, which describes concepts such as velocity and acceleration. Another contradiction of this theory is that the composition of the atmosphere of Venus is completely different from the composition of the atmosphere of Jupiter. In the end, to this day there is no geological evidence that could at least indirectly to speak in favor of this theory.

And yet the book Velikovsky gained great popularity. Likely attracted people that form and content, in which the author takes the reader various biblical stories and ancient mythology.


I’m sure many of you have heard about the Big Bang theory, during which one of the tiny particles of the universe was created, which is still expanding, stretched and cooled at the same time, farther away beyond its original point of the formation. But what if the Big Bang is the result of more collisions?

Take two universes, clash with each other and you will be presented beginning of the so-called Ekpyrosis origin of life, the idea of which was invented in 2001 by several physicists. In this theory, the universe has a cylindrical shape, and the events occurring on repeated periodically. The essence of the theory is that two or more of the multidimensional universe faced, gave birth to our universe, but without inflation and the continued expansion of the Big vrzyva.

Like many other models of origin of the Universe, Ekpyrosis relies largely only on assumptions about the mechanisms that allow this universe exist. Despite the fact that many modern scholars believe this theory is very interesting, they think it is too complicated and at the same time to a greater extent rely on a set of common assumptions.

White hole.

Nature often show us a mirror symmetry. If somewhere there is a black hole, then why not assume that there are white holes?

Black holes are the most mysterious objects in the universe, has such a powerful gravitational pull that nothing, not even the slightest bit of light can not escape his fate of being absorbed into the object, after crossing the point of no return the so-called event horizon.

If we assume the existence of white holes, the theory of the event horizon will work in a completely opposite direction and instead of being drawn into itself all animate and inanimate, on the contrary it will repel all on my own.

Any matter which has appeared near a white hole would cause its destruction. Since black holes do exist and are formed as a result of the destruction of the stars, that is, where there is the matter, the possibility of the existence of white holes is likely impossible.

In other words, black holes do not necessarily have its antipode. They can actually be a point in space, not having the “other” side.

The universe is a hologram

With all the current popularity of virtual reality technology is not surprising that there are people who believe that our universe itself is one gigantic illusion. Quite possibly, our bodies really are not truly three-dimensional objects, but instead we all live within a two-dimensional hologram. A team of scientists from Fermilab (National Accelerator Laboratory. Enrico Fermi) in Illinois (USA) decided to conduct an experiment to find the answer to this question.

The essence of the experiment was the use of powerful laser beams combined into an L-shaped device, called golometr. If installed in your device sensors detect a variation in the brightness of the laser beams, then there is likely to be a consequence of the noise of space-time in the beam path or interference. Ultimately, this could mean that the universe in which we live has limitations to only keep a certain amount of information.

The idea that the universe is a hologram, is based on the assumption that the space and time in the universe are not continuous. Instead, they are discrete and “pikselizirovanny”, so you can not increase the zoom” of the universe is infinite, penetrating deeper and deeper into the essence of things.

To achieve a certain scale values increase, the universe takes the form of images with very low quality and therefore uninformative. As a result, the theory suggests that the universe actually exists only in two dimensions, and the third dimension is an illusion, or a hologram created by the interference of space and time.

Nevertheless, the theory does not look absolutely insane. The main difficulty prove or disprove this theory lies in the fact that nothing in this world can not move faster than the speed of light. As a consequence, it is not possible to determine what is the same the world around us a reality or a hologram.

Observation of the dark energy makes it unstable.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “When You’re Expecting, time runs very slowly.” So according to some theorists, if a long look at the universe, or part of it, then this process will destroy it. And some people think that watching dark energy destabilizes our reality.

Scientists currently believe that matter objects such as stones, glass, water, etc. occupy in the universe only about 4 percent of the space. More than 26 percent of dark matter reserved. But you can not touch this matter. And binoculars you will not see it. This is because dark matter is a type of mass that we can not see. All that we know about it is the fact that it exists. This is evidenced by its gravitational effects that it produces to other objects in space.

The remaining 70 percent of the space is occupied by dark energy. Scientists are not quite sure what it is, but it is this invisible force, in their opinion, is the precipitating factor expansion of the universe.

In this paper, has been very widely publicized, Professor Lawrence Krauss theorizes that the observation of dark energy can reduce the lifetime of the whole universe.” This occurs as a result of the quantum Zeno effect quantum paradox whereby observation of the object can act directly on the object. In other words, if we observe the dark energy is thus able to bring down its internal quantum clock, which in turn may cause the return of matter to an earlier form of its existence as a result – we all canoe into oblivion.

In fact, the article Krauss (especially its ending) was very embellished media and other sources of media. Scientist immediately released an edited version of his article, which nevertheless did not give the total previously proposed ideas. So that the quantum Zeno effect is real. If you happen to see the dark energy, for the sake of all living things, for the sake of the whole universe does not look at it too closely. Suddenly really came shooting out.”

Information paradox of black holes.

Nothing, not even the smallest particle of light is not able to escape the fate of being absorbed into the black hole, it appear next. Unfortunately, scientists still do not know what happens to an object that fell into the black hole. Maybe on the other side of this mysterious celestial body object falls into the evil version of Disneyland? Or simply an object ceases to exist, absolutely destroyed, as if it was not at all?

Earlier theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking suggested that black holes can actually completely destroy the essence of the object, leaving only a tiny quantum trace (electric charge or spin). But this theory is one discrepancy. The fact that according to the known laws of the universe all information can not be totally lost. It must be stored somewhere, otherwise washed in existence just is not there. Quantum mechanics, along with a lot of accepted principles of physics will sink into oblivion, leaving scientists with only the most basic knowledge about the properties of reality.

In the late 1990s, Hawking rejected the idea that black holes completely destroy information. Instead, scientists have suggested that the information is indeed possible to exist, but in a very different form.

In other words, if you will stand out a chance to get into a black hole, it is advisable to relax and take into account the fact that information about you will not be completely lost. It is possible that you will be somewhere again restored, but in a different form.

The moon does not rotate.

There is one question that occasionally plagued the minds of novice astronomers. When you look at the moon, it always looks the same. Is the moon does not rotate?

In fact, the Moon orbits. This process only takes about one Earth month. Nor should we forget and that in addition to the rotation around its own axis, the Moon also wraps around the Earth, so the natural satellite of our planet has always turned to us only a single party. This effect is known as synchronous rotation.

In truth, we do not constantly see a static image of the moon. At certain periods of the Moon‘s orbit is inclined towards us so that we can see more of her surface. The maximum can be seen from Earth, only 59 percent of this celestial body. The remaining 41 percent, we will never see if we are on the ground. In turn, those who will be behind the moon never see Earth.

Pulsars beacons aliens.

For decades, scientists have observed the various signals from space to one day find evidence that a particular signal was sent to our side of extraterrestrial life. Who knows, maybe in the distant margins of the universe does have other forms of life, as we desperately wanted to make contact with space brothers, sending rays consist of electromagnetic radiation.

There are people on Earth who confidently believe that pulsars are really giant beacons aliens. These cosmic objects are sources of electromagnetic radiation, which they release every few seconds (or fractions of a second) in its rotation. Issued this energy beams pass through the entire universe.

Regular and repeated radiation of pulsars, some people are beginning to take as a means of communication. However, it also happens that the frequency of pulsations (radiation) changes. This is due to small changes in the period of the pulsar. So far, none of the signals received from these space objects was not so complex or structured, would say that this momentum is a kind of a special form of communication or send a message.

Maybe one day another space civilization and the truth will send us a postcard in the New Year or Christmas. And if it does happen, I would like to believe that humanity will be adequately prepared in terms of technology, in order to correctly interpret the transmitted congratulations.”

Planet X will destroy our world.

Somewhere in the darkness of space there is a planet that does not have an orbit and are not tied to any stellar system. The planet is moving toward Earth. Clash is inevitable. Nothing in the world can not survive after this disaster. Our world will completely disappear. Thank you for being with us all these years, our dear readers. See you in another world.

Like this we would have written on our site on the planet X, if there was a high probability of its collision with Earth. Fortunately, no planet X not.

The history of the planet X was first introduced in 1995. Came up with her Nancy Lieder, a resident of Wisconsin (USA), during online discussions fans ufology. On forum woman told the story that she had allegedly been abducted by aliens who vshili her head a tiny transmitter to pass therethrough woman and worldwide information about the threat of a collision with a planet X.

According to her Planet X will pass near the Earth close enough to break all the natural processes occurring on our planet and certainly will destroy all life on it. According to the rules of the rumors, the story quickly spread across the Internet and in the end came right up to the governments of many countries.

Seeing the growing panic, scientists from the space agency NASA issued a statement that if the planet X really existed, the most powerful telescopes of the Earth would be able to detect it and mankind would be at least several decades to prepare for this major disaster. Issue more topical shirts Doomsday and related products.


Very logical at first glance, crazy theories can really interest you and make you wonder. Others just make you think about the fact that their authors have touched too strong drinks. And most of all, when inventing the so-called doctrine of eternal ice (it. Welteislehre, also known as the doctrine of the “Vel”), the latter scenario seems more likely than the former.

Austrian engineer Hanns Hörbiger in 1913 wrote a publication that in 1918, thanks to Philip Faut grew into a book where the authors make quite insane theory of creation of our solar system. According to this theory, all in the universe originated as the ice. The very same book is full of mythological stories interspersed with pseudoscience.

Story goes something like this: a long time ago, one very ancient cosmic body that contains a huge amount of frozen water was faced with a giant sverhsolntsem (fiery sphere). As a result of this disaster icy object exploded, releasing an incredible amount of water vapor, which subsequently crystallized and turned into a plurality of blocks of ice scattered throughout the universe.

As you might guess, Hёrbiger believed that the planets in our solar system were originally formed just of these blocks of ice. The author believed that the solar system originally consisted of 30 planets. Next story is even more interesting. According to Hёrbigera, hail falls to the ground is the result of hitting the Earth’s atmosphere meteors.

Hёrbiger died in 1931, but it is unlikely he would not be pleased with the fact that his theory was wearing historiosophical character for the Third Reich. And the interesting fact is that Soviet Russia was interpreted as the center of power of the eternal ice as opposed to solar svastichnomu Third Reich.

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Уфологи: Гигантский НЛО преследует МКС (ВИДЕО)

Ufoologi made another sensational statement. After watching another broadcast from space, filmed with video cameras installed on the International Space Station (ISS), hunters aliens immediately hypothesized that the photographs gigantic unidentified flying object (see video below).

It should be noted that this is not the first time that astronauts encounter in Earth orbit “space saucer.” So last month camcorder captured several strange objects flying up to the close distance to the ISS.

Laid out on the network video you can see that the UFO moves at the same speed as the ISS. At the same time evident that the spacecraft is at a decent distance from the ship earthlings and not close to it.

Although, as always, the theory of the existence of UFOs supporters immediately found opponents who suggested that the UFO that other, as space debris, or just dust on the camera lens.


Уфоологи сделали очередное сенсационное заявление. После просмотра очередной трансляции из космоса, снятой видеокамерами, установленными на Международной космической станции (МКС), охотники за инопланетянами сразу же выдвинули предположение, что на снимках гигантский неопознанный летающий объект (смотрите видео ниже).

Следует отметить, что это далеко не первый случай, когда космонавты встречают на орбите Земли «космические тарелки». Так в прошлом месяце видеокамеры запечатлели сразу несколько странных объектов, подлетавших на близкое расстояние к МКС.

На выложенном в сеть видео можно увидеть, что НЛО движется с той же скорость, что и МКС. При этом заметно, что космический аппарат находится на приличном удалении от корабля землян и не приближается к нему.

Хотя, как всегда, у теории сторонников существования НЛО сразу же нашлись оппоненты, которые предположили, что НЛО ни что иное, как космический мусор или просто пыль на объективе камеры.

Taking into account the number of isotopes in the Martian atmosphere, similar to that recorded after nuclear disasters in the world, the American scientist came to the conclusion that Mars could be an example of civilization wiped from the surface as a result of a nuclear attack from space.

Вид на Марс и Землю, открытый космос

Ancient Life on Mars could be destroyed due to the use of nuclear weapons alien civilizations, says professor of physics of plasma particles, the ex-employee Command Aerospace Defense USA (Space Missile Defense) American explorer John Brandenburg.

Edition International Business Insider quotes from the scientific work of the researcher, in which he concludes that the near-Earth space could exist force or creation, “hostile to the young civilizations like the Earth’s,” and with nuclear capabilities, the use of which, presumably and was destroyed ancient life on Mars.

Brandenburg said that there is clear evidence of an impressive nuclear explosions on Mars, destroying ancient settlements in the Cydonia and Utopia the two parts of Mars. In his opinion, the bombings were planned and carried out the highly There is probably aliens. Evidence also the facts of the explosion is the color the planet’s surface red “– the newspaper arguments contained in scientific work.

Recently, says IBT, orbiter space odyssey NASA (NASA) could transmit data on the presence of high concentrations of isotopes of xenon-129 in the atmosphere of Mars. A similar concentration of isotopes was discovered on Earth after incidents such as the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

“Taking into account the number of isotopes in the Martian atmosphere, similar to those recorded after nuclear disasters on Earth, Mars could be an example of civilization wiped from the surface as a result of a nuclear attack from outer space– the study says Brandenburg.

Yuri Samusenko spoke about the prophecy of Archimandrite Jonah Odessa:

Lord, through those who prophesy, reports some information to people.

The Apostle Paul said, Quench not the Spirit. Despise not Prophecy.”

… I can immediately raskazat what I know of his spiritual father. We confessor in the family was very prominent elder, Archimandrite Jonah (Ignatenko). He had worked at the Odessa Monastery, where Metropolitan Agafangel. He is very well known, came to him from all points of Ukraine and Belarus, and Russia, and from Vladivostok.

To him came to meet Patriarch to talk tete-a-tete, I even have a picture, where they were photographed together at a meeting; other famous people. “

A father is alive, your confessor?

– Father rested. And here, in this regard, I am about to say, when he slept, when many people asked, and I also asked: “Father, but, behold, the third world war, which we all know and that voltage, looking at what happens in the world, and wondering forbearance of God wonder, and when will it be? “That’s who attack Russia?

Yes to the Russian nobody will attack

Well, on the United States to attack someone?

No one will attack

Well, what would it be, for it is such a war?

It will start with a small country, smaller than Russia. Will the internal confrontation, which will grow into a civil war, shed a lot of blood, and in this civil war funnel a small country will be drawn and Russia and the United States and many countries. And this will be the beginning of World War III.

– And when it will be, sir?

Well, here I will die and a year to begin

He slept in December 2012. Euromaidan began in late November, early December 2013...



An artist's illustration of what happens when two black holes merge.

Our sun orbits the Milky Way’s center at an impressive 450,000 mph. Recently, scientists have discovered stars hurtling out of our galaxy at a couple million miles per hour. Could there be stars moving even faster somewhere out there?

After doing some calculations, Harvard University astrophysicists Avi Loeb and James Guillochon realized that yes, stars could go faster. Much faster. According to their analysis, which they describe in two papers recently posted online, stars can approach light speed. The results are theoretical, so no one will know definitively if this happens until astronomers detect such stellar speedsters—which, Loeb says, will be possible using next-generation telescopes.

But it’s not just speed these astronomers are after. If these superfast stars are found, they could help astronomers understand the evolution of the universe. In particular, they give scientists another tool to measure how fast the cosmos is expanding. Moreover, Loeb says, if the conditions are right, planets could orbit the stars, tagging along for an intergalactic ride. And if those planets happen to have life, he speculates, such stars could be a way to carry life from one galaxy to another.

It all started in 2005 when a star was discovered speeding away from our galaxy fast enough to escape the gravitational grasp of the Milky Way. Over the next few years, astronomers would find several more of what became known as hypervelocity stars. Such stars were cast out by the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way. When a pair of stars orbiting each other gets close to the central black hole, which weighs about four million times as much as the sun, the three objects engage in a brief gravitational dance that ejects one of the stars. The other remains in orbit around the black hole.

Loeb and Guillochon realized that if instead you had two supermassive black holes on the verge of colliding, with a star orbiting around one of the black holes, the gravitational interactions could catapult the star into intergalactic space at speeds reaching hundreds of times those of hypervelocity stars. Papers describing their analysis have been submitted to the Astrophysical Journal and the journal Physical Review Letters

The galaxy known as Markarian 739 is actually two galaxies in the midst of merging. The two bright spots at the center are the cores of the two original galaxies, each of which harbors a supermassive black hole.

This appears to be the most likely scenario that would produce the fastest stars in the universe, Loeb says. After all, supermassive black holes collide more often than you might think. Nearly all galaxies have supermassive black holes at their centers, and nearly all galaxies were the product of two smaller galaxies merging. When galaxies combine, so do their central black holes.

Loeb and Guillochon calculated that merging supermassive black holes would eject stars at a wide range of speeds. Only some would reach near light speed, but many of the rest would still be plenty fast. For example, Loeb says, the observable universe could have more than a trillion stars moving at a tenth of light speed, about 67 million miles per hour.

Because a single, isolated star streaking through intergalactic space would be so faint, only powerful future telescopes like the James Webb Space Telescope, planned for launch in 2018, would be able to detect them. Even then, telescopes would likely only see the stars that have reached our galactic neighborhood. Many of the ejected stars probably would have formed near the centers of their galaxies, and would have been thrown out soon after their birth. That means that they would have been traveling for the vast majority of their lifetimes. The star’s age could therefore approximate how long the star has been traveling. Combining travel time with its measured speed, astronomers can determine the distance between the star’s home galaxy and our galactic neighborhood.

If astronomers can find stars that were kicked out of the same galaxy at different times, they can use them to measure the distance to that galaxy at different points in the past. By seeing how the distance has changed over time, astronomers can measure how fast the universe is expanding.

These superfast rogue stars could have another use as well. When supermassive black holes smash into each other, they generate ripples in space and time called gravitational waves, which reveal the intimate details of how the black holes coalesced. A space telescope called eLISA, scheduled to launch in 2028, is designed to detect gravitational waves. Because the superfast stars are produced when black holes are just about to merge, they would act as a sort of bat signal pointing eLISA to possible gravitational wave sources.

The existence of these stars would be one of the clearest signals that two supermassive black holes are on the verge of merging, says astrophysicist Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz of the University of California, Santa Cruz. Although they may be hard to detect, he adds, they will provide a completely novel tool for learning about the universe.

In about 4 billion years, our own Milky Way Galaxy will crash into the Andromeda Galaxy. The two supermassive black holes at their centers will merge, and stars could be thrown out. Our own sun is a bit too far from the galaxy’s center to get tossed, but one of the ejected stars might harbor a habitable planet. And if humans are still around, Loeb muses, they could potentially hitch a ride on that planet and travel to another galaxy. Who needs warp drive anyway?

Paper tiger NATO !

340 420July 26 (NS) was born Princess Montenegrin and Russian Grand Duchess Milica Nikolaevna.

In the 1900s craze swept Petersburg mysticism. In the palaces of the nobility and intelligentsia homes were seances in dark room could be heard rapping on the table and heard strange voices, invisible fingers playing the piano.

Not passed this passion and the royal family. Surrounded by Nicholas II and his wife had a lot of all kinds of seers and prophets, and then appeared different healers and diviners.

Web mystical thread, enveloped the capital, were drawn from the palace of the Grand Duchess Milica Nikolaevna. This Montenegrin princess brought from their homeland‘s unshakeable belief in the supernatural, characteristic of all Balkan peoples.

She was fond of the works of his youth Eastern mystics, the occult and spiritualism, took friendship with sorcerers and fortune-tellers and even received a diploma in Paris, Dr. alchemy.

Milica was born into a large family of Montenegrin Prince Nikolai Njegoš and Milena Vukotic Petrovna. Together with her sister Stana studied at the Smolny Institute, brilliantly graduated from the course, loved to read and was able to apply themselves in high places. Soon she married groom best Russian court Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich, the grandson of Nicholas 1. Immediately there were rumors that this groom police could lure only by magic, she has mystical powers.

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On the eve of the wedding Milica announced her engagement and her sister Stana in Russia it was called Anastasia. Her husband was not as notable as the husband the police but also occupied a prominent position among the relatives of Nicholas P. Both sisters were very beautiful: handsome, dark-haired, black-browed with hot pink. Their bright southern looks impressive and alarming St. Petersburg: very much stood out among them skinny, pale German princesses, which usually married all the Romanovs.

The sisters were very friendly, they are often seen together and called Montenegrin number one and number two Montenegrins. They sought to gain influence over the Emperor, to lobby for the interests of his native small Montenegro. And so they become friends exalted, romantic and painful Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Smart Milica chose the right moment: the Empress caught some sort of stomach infection. The sisters did not leave her bed, taking care not too pleasant duty nurses and maids. The Empress, touched such care and attention they fully trusted, told of a dream to have a successor.

Kneeling in front of Alexandra, Montenegrins have vowed to help her give birth, after so many daughters, boy, promised to find a suitable person with magical powers.

320 310So diplomacy is associated with a spell of spirits, public affairs connected with magic formulas, and constitutional reform a wonderful bells“, presented to Philip and sound at a time when the Emperor appears evil man”. Montenegrins are the main trustees and sovetchitsa Empress and expensive militia” royal couple generally considered something of a mediator between them and God.

Heir to the throne is hemophilia. Philip helps to cope with bouts of illness, but he himself was seriously ill. In 1905 he went to France, where in a short time died, but before leaving the queen said: The day will come, and you will find the same as I do, a friend who will talk to you about God.”

Soon Milica brings in Tsarskoye Selo Rasputin. November 1, 1905, Nicholas II wrote in his diary: “We met with the man of God Gregory.” The appearance of the royal couple said Rasputin implement predictive Philip otherwise Friend.

Contrary to all the laws of medicine when the best doctors are powerless, Rasputin mysteriously able to keep the prince lives. The mystery of his will was not disclosed until now.

Again, trust your new queen selflessly magician and asks his advice in political affairs. At the court begins the era of Rasputin.

Rasputin is very close to the police and the camp. Using his influence at court, he begins to enter their insane orders, for example, Khlystyian initiation rite: this is when a young woman after confession, repentance and the sacrament should spend the night in his arms, to better understand what sin is. About these terrible nights left a lot of evidence.

It is said that one of the first rite passed sisters Montenegrins. And it is here that their fortunes changed. Many hated Rasputin, and at the same time hated Montenegrins.

The court accused the police of planting the court fanatical mysticism.” They otkryvatelnits” Rasputin became known only as “black women”, “Black Crow”.

They constantly interfere in the affairs of state, and even the king could not stop them. Such an effect attributed to witchcraft. Famous politician Witte wrote about them: Oh, those Montenegrins, they have done troubles Russia To tell what mischief they have done, you need to write the whole story, not good Russian people will remember their memory.”

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In St. Petersburg, sisters Montenegrins called black hearted“, the people believed that they have brought it to Russia all the troubles and wars. Even the beginning of the First World War, many attributed the plot Montenegrins. They said that they, like black spiders, cobwebs entangled his entire royal family.

Police wanted to use the “old man” as a tool to influence the execution of Nicholas II for the personal thoughts and help native Montenegro. But in 1909, the sisters quarreled with the imperial family and friends of Rasputin became his enemies.

Begins the First World War, the people mature anti-German sentiment, and sister decides to play his trump card. They (and their niece) the only Slav and the only non-Russian Romanov family daughter, born Orthodox. While Stan (already second marriage), married to Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich chief of all land and naval forces. Sisters actively raise his popularity among the people. About this activity Montenegrins wrote many of his contemporaries, often for fear of its consequences. Most feared her former confidante Empress. She believed that they want to build on the throne of Nikolai Nikolaevich, and her banished to a monastery, was convinced that “wickedness militia” can do anything At her request, Rasputin persuaded the king to assume supreme command of the Russian army.

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December 29, 1916, Prince Yusupov with friends killed Rasputin. On the eve of the murder of elder warned that if he dies, then the royal family and its surroundings are not live. He, of course, no one believed, but also Montenegrin sisters apprehended trouble and prayed for Gregory and for themselves – they knew it was the beginning of the end, and that his prophecy come true.

After the Revolution, the sisters with their families had emigrated to France. Mill died in 1935, and police met in Paris the Second World War.

During the occupation of France arrested the princess and offered to cooperate with the German authorities. She proudly rejected all offers and miracle (perhaps with the help of his magic?) Fled to Italy. There is also dominated by fascism, but the princess and her son hid in the residence of the Pope. This helped her sister Elena – former Queen of Italy. With Elena Milica in 1946 went to Egypt. Milica died in Alexandria in 1951. Their secrets she took with them.


Last week, residents of southern England, and later the US East Coast could hear strange noises in the sky that gave rise to a wave of startled posts in social media. Experts believe that most likely these sounds were caused by the operation of the pulse detonation engine hypersonic aircraft project SR-72 «Aurora» by Lockheed Martin.

Проект сверхсекретного гиперзвукового самолёта «Aurora» находится в разработке с 1989 или даже с 1987 года, и он должен был прийти на смену знаменитому разведчику SR-71 Blackbird, которого отправили в отставку в 1998 году. По некоторым просочившимся в прессу сведениям, этот самолёт должен был превзойти лётные характеристики SR-71 Blackbird по одной только скорости чуть ли не втрое (сравните 3,35 М у SR-71 с 11,6 М у SR-72).

Тем не менее, бывший глава подразделения Skunkworks корпорации Lockheed – Бен Рич – сообщил, что «Aurora» была кодовым названием проекта Stealth, который, в конечном итоге, привёл к созданию B-2 Spirit.

Но, в ноябре 2013 года, Lockheed Martin объявила, что она разрабатывает самолёт-разведчик со схожими характеристиками под названием SR-72. Компания заявила, что этот самолёт сможет развивать скорость до 6 Маха, или 7349 км/час – в три раза быстрее, чем Concorde.

При этом Concorde не мог летать быстрее 2 Маха — в первую очередь потому, что материалы, способные выдерживать достаточно высокие температуры, не были доступны в шестидесятые годы прошлого века. Кроме того, его двигатели относились к газотурбинному типу, и теоретическим пределом таких самолётов была скорость 2,5 Маха.

Для полётов на гиперзвуковой скорости – 5 Маха и выше – требуется сверхзвуковой ПВРД (прямоточный воздушно-реактивный двигатель), или ГПВРД (гиперПВРД).


These engines have no moving parts. Instead of the rotating compressor and turbine jet engine, the air is compressed and expanded by the complex systems of shock waves to the front part of the aircraft and fuselage.

When traveling at hypersonic velocity air flows faster, and requires special fuel pulse detonation engine (PDE). PDE may perform 60 to 100 of explosions per second, together with a shock wave creates a specific sound.

Movement at speeds above Mach 1 is accompanied by the creation of a shock wave, with the cone of its distribution will be broader, more speed.


To date, the Ministry of Defense denies the flights of any aircraft in this region.



Смерть забыла про 179-летнего индуса

In North India found a man who claims that he was born in 1835. That is, it is 179 years. According Mahashty Murase, he was born and raised in Bangalore, and in 1903 moved to Varanasi. Until 1957 he worked as a shoemaker and retired at a very advanced age in 122 years.

My grandchildren had died many years ago. And about my death, probably forgotten “- says Mahashta Murase, ” I have lost all hope to die. Maybe I’ll even immortal. “

Meanwhile, there were many skeptics have questioned the reports of centenarians. The fact that his record to prove age is almost impossible: the documents testifying to this. No birth certificate, no passport, no entries in the respective institutions do not. At the doctor’s miraclegrandfather was the last time in 1971, the doctor died, and left no written evidence. To conduct a medical examination of the potential champion by age is also impossible.

According to official sources, including the Guinness Book of Records, the oldest man in the history of mankind was Jeanne Calment of France. She died in 1997 at the age of 122 years.


NASA: Earth was plunged into darkness with 16 to 22 December

We expect a strong magnetic storm.
From 16 to 22 December at the Earth will fall strong magnetic storm, and our planet is plunged into darkness. According to researchers from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), such predictions were not for the past three centuries. Scientists said that almost 90 percent of the sunlight is blocked. But there is good news: the Terrans also be able to watch the Northern Lights from anywhere in the sky will appear in a different color.

According to experts of NASA, the anomalies associated with the plasma emission spots on the sun, which the researchers named the AR2192.

NASA chief Charles Bolden said that the information made public for security reasons and to protect people from premature panic and chaos. He also added that during these days may fail in the electricity and the Internet.

Fermi paradox is based on the question, why are we not able to find extraterrestrial life. Given that both the Earth and our star, the Sun, is relatively young compared to the rest of the universe and assuming that the ability to travel interstellar space is a relatively easy achievement should in theory have long extraterrestrials have visited Earth. Where do they still have it, we can not see them?

According to legend, in 1950, dropped the theory of the lunch-table for nothing Italian physicist Enrico Fermi. The question is, however, since then the implications of extraterrestrial life by researchers scratching their heads. Fermi realized that every civilization, which is used in a modest margin of rocket technology and shamelessly lot of empire building will, could rapidly colonize the entire star cluster,” explains the search for intelligent extraterrestrial life organization dedicated to SETI website

The truth is that the universe is an incredibly large and old. By one estimate, the universe is 92 billion light-years in diameter, and it expands all the time at an accelerating pace. Other measurements of the age of the universe is 13.82 billion years. At first glance, it could be considered a sufficient period of time during which võõrtsivilisatsioonid could colonize the galaxy, but the farther into the cosmic space is reached, it should become an obstacle to them enormous cosmic distances.

Now planets discovered outside the solar system, however, provides a stunningly large amount of understanding that life in the universe can continue to abound. Kepler Space Telescope data collected from the study that was published in 2013, researchers concluded that at least one of the dimensions of the planet Earth orbits the Sunlike star every fifth elukõlbulikus zone under conditions where the water can be a liquid state.

Thus there are many cosmic space to build empires, but they are also a lot of space when looking through the brush, but still, it seems that we are alone in the universe.

Drake equation

Intelligent life assesses the probability of the existence of the so-called Drake’s equation, which is caught in the calculation of the incidence of such civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy, which is likely to attempt to communicate with each other.

SETI website explains what the variables of the equation
N = R * fp ne fl fi fc L
influence the outcome:

N the number of civilizations in the Milky Way, which radiated electromagnetic waves can be detected.
R * intelligent life to develop appropriate pace of formation of stars.
fp planetary systems of stars.
ne suitable living conditions for the average number of planets in one solar system.
fl the proportion of suitable planets on which life actually occurs.
fi – the proportion of the planetary life, which develops intelligent life.
fc – the proportion of civilizations that develop a technology that sends them on the existence of detectable signals into space.
L – the time during which such civilizations detectable signals sent out into space.

Now, none of these values exactly known, which makes it very difficult for any kind of forecasting as well as extraterrestrial endpoints for Astrobiology.

Астронавт столкнулся с НЛО в открытом космосе возле МКС

European Space Agency astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti closeup saw a UFO during the flight to the ISS.

When the spacecraft is ready for docking with the ISS, Kristoforetti saw a luminous unidentified flying object, which is very close to the spacecraft. The unexpectedness of the girl even cried on the recording, you can hear her voice, said UFO Sightings Daily.

“When I turned to look toward the station, I saw a huge glowing wheels of an unidentified object. When I realized what I was facing, I could not resist, so as not to cry aloud,” – said Kristoforetti.

ISS astronauts often encounter a UFO, the last time it was announced in late November. Then it was reported that the astronauts pursues a huge white flying saucer. This was stated by ufologists who observe the life of the International Space Station via an online broadcast with CCTV cameras.

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Restrictions on what we fear, sometimes with the pay off, giving you something to which we are without them, freely choosing, that is, their behavior would never follow a pattern.

Piirangud,mida me kardame,tasuvad nii mõnigi kord ära,kinkides midagi sellist,millele me ilma nendeta,vabalt valides,see tähendab,oma harjumuste mustrit jälgides kunagi ei satuks.